Saturday, April 12, 2014

Final Fantasy IX

Final Fantasy IX

Final Fantasy IX


Final Fantasy IX (Video Game)
By Solutions 2 Go

The last installment of the Final Fantasy series on Playstation reached stores nationwide in a very low-key manner. The anticipation and exhilaration that associate with the release of Final Fantasy games have obviously lessened. I uncharacteristically DID NOT pick up the new game on the first day it released. Honestly, I was not too excited about the release of this game due to 3 major reasons: 1) Square's quality of work has been questionable these recent years, 2) relatively short period of time has passed since we have seen FF8, 3) the Final Fantasy series has been evolving so much that I was not sure I would still get the same thrill I got when I played FF IV on SNES.
I was not a bit disappointed.
Right from the beginning, Square shows again that FF9 is a product of quality. Even though it has only been one year since the release of FF8, this new installment does not show sign of a rushed production. I could not help but notice and appreciate the amount of effort and passion that were infused into the game. I could say with FF9, Square really strengthens my faith in the FF series, wins my heart, and brings me back to the good old days.
Graphic is one of the first elements that attracted me. The color scheme is very well used to create a nice blend of the whole composition. I did not like the color scheme in Chrono Cross at all because everything is so bright and sticks out like an eye sore. Background, characters, and environment are very well designed in such way that you find unity and harmony. Needless to say, CGs from Square are always top notch, first rated, state of the art quality. The injunctions of CGs are proper, and served to extend the flow of events; nevertheless, they are wonderful eye candies that I cannot get enough of.

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